test plan

This category contains 6 posts

What is Requirements Traceability in Quality Center?

RTM facilitates in tracking whether each of the business requirement is covered (i.e., tested) through one or more tests. Thus the quality of the software product (AUT) is tested thoroughly before it is shipped or released to the market.

Test Plan Module in QC: Part5 (5 ways of updating test steps)

At any time you can change or update either the step, description or expected results in 5 ways –

Test Plan Module in QC: Part4 (3 ways of creating test steps)

Once you create the tests in the Test plan tree, you need to create detailed test steps for your tests in the Test plan. This quick reference procedural article lets you learn that quickly and practice. It appropriately explains this in different ways i.e., using standard tool bar buttons, menu items or short cut keys.

Test Plan Module in QC: Part 3 (Creating Test Folders and Tests)

This is part 3 of our series of articles on Test plan module in Quality Center. In this part we “ll see how we can create tests folders and tests under Test plan module.


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