
This category contains 4 posts

Details on QC 11 Certification (HP0-M46)

High Quality QC 11 HP0-M46 mock question and test papers prepared by QC Experts. Syllabus and enrollment procedure for QTP 11 certification. Dumps for QC/ALM Certification

Step by step instructions to download and install Quality Center

Step by step instructions to download and install HP Quality Center(ALM). Evaluation/Trial version of Quality Center 11.

8 Features of HP Quality Center you should know

8 important features of hp quality center. HPQC has feature for RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix) i.e., it allows the requirement mapped to a relevant test case(s) and defects. This will help the project team to take informed decisions on the test coverage before Go-live. For e.g.: Double click on a defect (which is already linked …

Modules in Quality Center

Irrespective of the Development models used in the projects (Water fall, V-model or Agile models), all them will have minimum the following phases. Requirements analysis (called user stories in agile), Design, Coding, Testing and Implementation. HP QC facilitates for all STLC (software test life cycle) activities, i.e., test requirements -> planned Test cases -> Run …


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